Products name: Polyester Fiber Cartridge Filters(Depth pleated)
Connections :DOE, SOE, etc.
Available in filter ratings: from 0.3um to 20um
Cartridge Lengths: from 1 inch to 40 inch
With high retention efficiency, high flow rate, and long product life, it contributes to better cost performance.
The filters are available in a wide range of retention ratings to match the specific purity and flow requirements of your process, and to further
Provides excellent particle retention in ratings that match your specific process and flow requirements.
Eliminates chemical usage while reducing system downtime during filter changeouts. Saves time, greatly increases equipment uptime.
Provides excellent small particle retention for a variety of particle sizes.
High retention rating: >99.999% at stated retention rating.
Requires less space for changeout. Minimizes downtime and simplifies changeout.
Clean, economical solution designed to match the needs of use filtration of fuel gas/coal gas/liquefied gas/and other non-corrosive gas.
Provides durability for high viscosity filtration.
Option: Design incorporates no O-rings to avoid potential sources of contamination.
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